How Can I Conceive A Boy - Incredible Techniques For Having a Boy Baby
How I Can Have Son - Learn Tricks To Make a Boy Baby Easily
Male factor infertility affects around half of all infertile couples so it’s important to understand how the male reproductive system works ( what to eat to have a boy ). The production and maintenance of spermatozoa and semen is done within the male reproductive organism. Hormones are chemicals that regulate the activity of many different organs are what control the male reproductive structure. If a man can generate Y chromosome carrying spermatozoa that is normal and complete he will be able to reproduce a boy. Men use follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormones for the development of spermatozoa whereas women use them for the development of their eggs. Follicle stimulating hormone fuels sperm production in the testicles and the luteinizing hormone stimulates creation of testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone that helps to maintain male sexual characteristics such as facial hair growth. The testes are responsible for making testosterone and for generating spermatozoa and within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that produce spermatozoa cells. The testes produce over 12 billion sperm every month and the process of maturation for spermatozoa is 72 days. A man is considered fertile if just more than 40 percent of their sperm is moving.
Learn what foods you and your man should eat if you wish to become pregnant with a male baby
If you would like to conceive a male baby be sure that you do not miss breakfast ( diet to help conceive a boy ). Your body will show a decrease in your quantities of glucose if you skip the most important meal of the day. These depressed glucose levels may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability. A state like this that resembles starvation may encourage girl embryo development instead of a boy. A study done by Dr. Mathews of England shows that there is an 87% larger likelihood in giving birth to a boy baby if you eat breakfast regularly. Include cereals like barley and oatmeal and wheat berries in your diet. If your partner starts drinking coffee this can help the probability of you giving birth to a boy. Drinking coffee gives the faster swimming Y spermatozoa that are responsible for producing baby boys a boost to swim faster and increase their chances of reaching the egg. The acidic cervix discharge kills Y sperm easily and by swimming more quickly they will be less exposed to this damaging environment that can prevent them from reaching the egg. So you’re more likely to make a baby boy if your man drinks a strong cup of caffeinated coffee just before intercourse.
How you can be sure to conceive a boy baby without invasive medical procedures
To get pregnant with a son depends on the right timing of sexual contact. A technique known as the Shettles’ method was discovered in the seventies and has been used by many people to select gender naturally ( how i can have son ). The main idea of his model is that when couples learn how to time intercourse accordingly to ovulation they can influence the sex of the baby. Between the two chromosomes the male Y chromosome is a much quicker swimmer but the female Y chromosome lives longer. If you have intercourse in the beginning of ovulation there will be lots of healthy male sperm ready to fertilize the ovum once it is released from the ovary. A female baby is more likely if you have sex too early and all the male Y chromosome sperms die out before the egg is released. A male spermatozoa will most likely fertilize the egg if you have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation. Avoiding sex or the man ejaculating during your pre-fertile phase will increase the man's spermatozoa count and increase your chance of having a boy. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Shettles claims that his methods for a son have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.